Wednesday 24 September 2014

What is Cultural Art?

  There is a broad variety of definitions when speaking of culture. Culture can be defined in many ways. Expressing culture through art to define the meaning is fascinating in itself. For all these artist their art displays culture in a variety of ways. 

1. artistic and intellectual pursuits and products. 

2. a quality of enlightenment or refinement arising from an acquaintance with and concern for what is regarded as excellent in the arts, letters, manners, etc. 

3. development or improvement of the mind by education or training. 

4. the sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation to another. 

Category: Sociology, Anthropology 

5. a particular form or stage of civilization, as that of a nation or period: 

Greek Culture, French Culture, English Culture, Indian Culture, Native American Culture, Japanese Culture, etc... 

6. the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group: 

youth culture; the drug culture. 
Category: Sociology 

7. the cultivation of microorganisms or tissues for scientific study, medicinal use, etc. the product or growth resulting from such cultivation. 

Category: Biology 

8. the act or practice of cultivating the soil. 

Category: Agriculture 

9. the raising of plants or animals, esp. with a view to their improvement. 

Category: Agriculture 

10. to subject to culture; cultivate. grow (microorganisms, tissues, etc.) in or on a controlled or defined medium. to introduce (living material) into a culture medium. 

Category: Biology 

Maybe now you are questioning: Why do I reference to Sociology, Anthropology, Biology, Agriculture, and Greek Culture, French Culture, English Culture, Indian Culture, Native American Culture, Japanese Culture, etc...? Some may think of culture as customs or traditions passed from one generation to another. While others think of culture as a way of living for a person that is not exactly passed on throughout generations. Culture can be expressed with art in the form of biology, sociology, anthropology, agriculture, and Greek culture. 

Anthropology of art is a sub-field in social anthropology dedicated to the study of art in different cultural contexts. The anthropology of art focuses on historical, economic and aesthetic dimensions in non-Western art forms, including what is known as 'tribal art'. 

Sociological Art is an artistic movement and approach to aesthetics that emerged in France in the early 1970s and became the basis for the Sociological Art Collective formed by Hervï Fischer, Fred Forest, and Jean-Paul


BioArt is an art practice where humans work with live tissues, bacteria, living organisms, and life processes. Using scientific processes such as biotechnology (including technologies such as genetic engineering, tissue culture, and cloning) the artworks are produced in laboratories, galleries, or artists' studios. The scope of BioArt is considered by some artists to be strictly limited to living forms, while other artists would include art that uses the imagery of contemporary medicine and biological research, or require that it address a controversy or blind spot posed by the very character of the life sciences. 

Although BioArtists work with living matter, there is some debate as to the stages at which matter can be considered to be alive or living. Creating living beings and practicing in the life sciences brings about ethical, social, and aesthetic inquiry. The phrase "BioArt" was coined by Eduardo Kac in 1997 in relation to his artwork Time Capsule. Although it originated at the end of the 20th century through the works of pioneers like Joe Davis and artists at SymbioticA, BioArt started to be more widely practiced in the beginning of the 21st century. 

Greek Culture, French Culture, English Culture, Indian Culture, Native American Culture, Japanese Culture, etc...are examples of cultures that we preserve throughout history and display throughout nations. This type of art expresses how a nation has lived, survived, and other things. This art tells a story throughout that can be seen throughout centuries. Not to mention in comparing these type of arts from year to year throughout the centuries it can also build a timeline for how a culture has changed and evolved from one tradition to the next. 

Marlene Burns - Fine ArtistMarlene Burns Tucson, AZ - United States

  Marlene offers an exciting, expressive, experimental and exceptional body of work! She doesn't like to categorize herself, but like those of the abstract expressionist movement, she plays with color, edgy design and mixed media to produce art that befits the process. Hernewest series of Judaic Art is all about sacred intention. She lives and works in Tucson, Arizona where she specializes in clients and interior designers who need custom artwork for luxury homes. She has exhibited her work for the past 20 years from California to NewYork, most notably in Santa Fe. Marlene Burns is a double degreed professional artist, with both her bachelor's and master degrees from the university of Cincinnati, School of Design, Architecture and Art. 

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