In the following lens the following will be discussed:
-- What are artists dreams like?
--Do artists sleep a normal 8 hours?
--Do artists create during their time of sleep?
The dreams and creative side of artists
In the following I will discuss what artists dreams are like.Artists dreams can vary according each individual.
Lets begin by finding out from various artists all over the world to find out what there dreams are like, if they sleep a normal 8 hours, and if they create while dreaming.
Meet the first artist she is a Fine Artist from Vaughan, ON - Canada her name is Olga Hutsul. Olga artistic talents include digital art and photography.
If you were to ask me Angela Chumroo the following question: "How do you view Olga as an artist?" I would have to answer," Olga's arts are extraordinary. Much defined like the constant walk through many dreams her art depicts a world of imagination and fantasy. She is a wonderful artist and her art definitely expresses her closeness with her subconscious side."
When I asked Olga to explain to me what her dreams are like this is what she stated to me. "that is an interesting subject.
Dreams allow us to get in touch with our subconscious side of which we are not quite aware.
I am always trying to pay attention to the symbols that are encoded in my dreams. It becomes a really interesting exercise.
It is still a puzzle for me to even imagine how those complex scenes and visions are put together - my dreams are truly are worlds of their own with details, colors, sounds, unusual structures. Some people say that it is elements of something that we have seen in reality that feeds our imagination, and it constructed something new out of known elements. Well in one of my dreams I was a hunting dog (not that unusual of a character) but what was unusual is that I could see the landscape from the eye-level of a dog, including the legs of the horse that I was following (and you know it is very important to stay away from the hoofs, and slightly to the front, not to get entangled in the horse's tail). Until then I was not consciously aware that there could be a level of view different than you usually see and know yourself. When in another dream I was a knight, I was constantly bothered by the rain water that was dripping from my helmet right underneath the armour vest, very unpleasant. When I visited museums since since I started paying attention to the little detail - the edge of the helmet at the back -and more sophisticated ones actually have the ledge that protects your neck... As any modern human being, I could never have a imagined what to look for when you choosing a helmet. Well now I know.
Too bad that by very trying to remember the dream, we often ruin it. We are trying to find logic, or end or beginning where there is none - it is pure associations, impressions, reactions of our brain to real life events the secret is simply to follow them. The moment we begin describing them we try to translate them into narrative that obeys the rules of the world we know."
"Zebra came into this picture from my dream. And now I can not imagine what could have been better fitting here than an animal colored black and white - good and evil. I don't think I could have arrived at this idea consciously. I am a much better dreamer than an artist..."
Here is another piece of Olga's I would love to share. She is a great dreamer.
Now I will introduce you to one of my dearest friends Laurette Escobar a Fine Artist from Corpus Christi, TX - United States. She is an artist whom is passionate about the freedom of art. Her work is work is inspired by color, emotion and subject.
When asked "What are your dreams like?" Laurette replied,"I dreamt that the curly loo shoe were attacked when the laces of dawn rose in the sky.I have a way with insanity, I've been told."
For me her way of insanity is well cherished by those of the art family like myself who love her smiling face, artworks, and creativity.
Here is just a small taste of her great talents:
Richard Rizzo located in Bushnell, Florida - United States is a Fine Artist. Much of his life he has been a self taught artist. His great talents have caused digital art to become Richard's most creative outlet.
Referring to his dreams Richard explains"As far as ideas go..some of my best ideas for designs come from my dreams and also when I'm just relaxed but not asleep.
In general my dreams can seem surreal, like part of a story and at times not even me being myself, most of the time I can remember them when I awake while other dreams seem to be forgotten very quickly.
I also found that if there is a problem that needs to be resolved in my personal (or business) life I can usually come up with a solution in my dreams, most likely from having it being on my mind the whole day before. As far as controlling dreams as mentioned in another thread, I have no clue how to do that.
Generally if I awake early from a dream with an idea in mind then most of the time I won't go back to sleep.
In closing.. I sleep about 6-7 hours a night and sometimes take a quick catnap during the day. :-)"
Here are a few of his many wonderful pieces:
Kevin Callahan a fine artist from Parkville, Mo - United States who enjoys working with acrylic, watercolor and digital photo format.
To explain what Kevin's dreams are like he states," Yes, I often do create while I sleep and dream. I had a painting started on canvas with the lines drawn,. That night I "painted" it in my sleep."
A few of his pieces I wish to share here are:
These Dreams are Made of These
When asked what Carla's dreams are like and does she create during dreaming she stated,"y dreams more often than not attribute to my creativity. But not in so much my art but more so in music & poetry!!! I have to keep a pen & paper next to the bed, as I wake up with a poem or a song I never heard. The songs make me sad as I cannot read or write music. The voices singing them are incredible & nothing I have ever heard. My dreams are very intense as I usually dream of what I feel so strongly about in my waking life. So I guess in a way they are the driving force behind my drawings. I like to capture feelings & emotions in my portraits & renderings, & it is usually how I feel at the time when doing them. "
As one can see she definitely expresses a great amount of emotions in her drawings rendered from her dreams.
Linda Sannuti states, "I dream awake and create :)" . Linda is a fine artist from Sicklerville, NJ United States. Her specialties include digital art.
Here are some examples of how she dreams awake and expresses here creative mind.
Michael Peychich located in Madison Heights, MI of the United States. Michael has a unique talent for being a very successful photographer. The art of his photography and the ability to dream first of a photograph then later find it is a well combined success which is greatly shown in all of his work.
"Rarely do I sleep more than 3 1/2 hours at a time. When I wake, I work on my art for 2-3 hours then sleep for about 2 more. I often dream about shooting images here is on I dreamed about on a friday night then shot it Saturday morning. "
Let's meet Elizabeth Lane she lives in Farmersville, TX United States. As a painter she often dreams of her next painting.
Her dreams can be described in the following statement from here,"I usually sleep 6 to 7 hours a night, on weekends and days I am not working, I will sleep 8 or even 9. I am often too keyed up at night to go to sleep.I dream about my next paintings......sometimes in that half-awake, half-asleep state. It is as if the painting's image is affixed on the under-sde of my eye-lids and I definitely dream in color. Sometimes the image appears in a split second, with scarcely enough time to note the details. I get up the next morning and sketch them from memory, lest they be lost. My dream paintings are going to be my next body of work and pretty much of a total departure from the usual genre. These future works have more people in them, as they appeared in my dream: Harlequins, the ice queen, dancers in a dust-haze......I can't wait to get started. "
As the sunsets
Much like being tugged from one side to the next the mind loves to alter an artist sleep. Like flipping thru the channels on a television an artists mind constantly flips thru ideas of their next creation.
Well let's just begin by jumping into the dream with an artist Dianne Connolly she is a fine artist from Kaitaia, No New Zealand who specializes in vibrant colored paintings and much more.
Her dreams are explained by her, "Most of my dreams leave me disturbed and worn out like I've run a marathon for the 8-9 hrs I average a night. I've never dreamed about actually being in the process of painting while dreaming but on waking I can be driven to paint in order to expiate feelings of horror or intense fear. Since I was 4yrs old I've been chased by hungry wolves and my favorite book back then was The '3 Little Pigs' so is it any wonder.
The feelings and expressive colors Diane uses in her paintings are outstanding. Over all she leaves a viewer with an eye that seeks to return for another glimpse and with a mind wondering was she dreaming at the time she created this one.
Cristopher Ernest with a wide variety of work from paintings to drawing to digital art he is fine artist from Colorado Springs, CO - United States.
"When i'm awake i dream i'm sleeping and visa versa,......somewhere in there i get some work done.And when i don't get something done,......i dream i did. "
Cristopher is quit the dreamer and brings out some very interesting creations being a continual dreamer.
In Brandon, FL United States there resides Ed Meredith a fine artist specializing in paintings.
Ed states the following when asked does he create while sleeping and dreaming,"For me being awake is kinda like a dream state and i very seldom remember dreaming while asleep..."
From Mooresville, IN United States comes a fine artist who specializes in Photography. Krisite Bonnewell explains her dreams as the following," I do think artist create when they sleep. I dont sleep much, but when I do, I always seem to remember what I dream about. For example it was this one tree, with no distracting noise around it. Alone, but beautiful and almost serene. Actually found it last week while driving around. "
Kristie then asks,"Now I have a question. Now that I have found my tree...will I dream about something new to photograph ?!"
Santi Goma Rodriquez a fine artist from Barbera Del Valles, Barcelona - Spain specializing in photography. He was asked of his dreams and creativity. Santi stated,"My brother go to army in the fleet. They know different courious people. One of this was a radio operator in morse. He, my brother, heard how the radio operator dream making morse sound with his voice. Chess players sometimes dream about chess matches. Computer programers, sometimes dream about how to solve complicate algorithms. But...I don't remember dreaming in somthing like a art-work. And I don't sleep well or enought. But I think this is not because I'm or I'm not a artist.
Often when I'm in a semi-dream state and I create very easily (but with little detail). When I'm concentrating in detail my creativity come down. It's a vicious circle. Then I have to catch Ideas free of techniques and later concentrate in details.
I'm not sure to explain me enought well. "
Moving to the small island of Mauritius in tiny village called Pailles just outside from the city of Port Louis is a fine artist named Angela Pari Dominic Chumroo her specialties include painting.
Angela defines her dreams as the following,"I wake up the same every morning. Eager to get at another piece of art or finish one. I go to bed trying to imagine what a real night sleep is. For me a sleep is another painting being erupted like a volcano pouring from my brain cells. There is no such thing to me as a dead sleep my artistic mind keeps my sleep alive.I could not begin to imagine a life with out thinking something of art. I was born with it is inherited.Sometimes I burn my left hand in so much pain but what can I say I am addicted. Other times I feel my mind is constantly flipping thru a roll of film of new paintings it it ready to develop. There can be moments in my dreams when I feel as if I am above myself looking down at me painting a piece on a canvas. The following day after dreaming this a few times I have found myself painting that piece I watched myself paint in my dream the night before."
Here is a piece she watched herself paint in the dream the night before:
Here is a piece she created while dreaming:
In conclusion I while you are sleeping an artist out there is creating and possibly they are sleeping while they are creating.
I encourage you to visit the art pieces above that are created by these artists. All of these artists are extremely talented and it shows in everyone of their pieces. Below you will find links to their sites.
The statements from each artists on this page belong to the artists. Angela Pari Dominic Chumroo has been given rights to publish them in her blogs. They are solely owned by each artists as is their pieces of art. Any use of their art or statements other than in Angela Chumroo's blogs which she has been granted permission to use are highly illegal use and may be subject to prosecution of copyright laws.
This was written by Angela Pari Dominic Chumroo but she does not own the individual named artists statements or their art pieces which are in this blog.
Copyrights of this blog are shared by the following artists Angela Pari Dominic Chumroo,Olga Hutsu,Laurette Escobar ,Richard Rizzo, Kevin Callahan, Carla Carson,Linda Sannuti ,Michael Peychich, and Elizabeth Lane,Dianne Connolly, Cristopher Ernest, Ed Merideth, Kristie Bonnewell, and Santi Goma Rodriquez 2011©All rights are reserved.